<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | program/steps/addressbook/edit.inc | | | | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the README file for a full license statement. | | | | PURPOSE: | | Show edit form for a contact entry or to add a new one | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ if ($RCMAIL->action == 'edit') { // Get contact ID and source ID from request $cids = rcmail_get_cids(); $source = key($cids); $cid = array_shift($cids[$source]); // Initialize addressbook $CONTACTS = rcmail_contact_source($source, true); // Contact edit if ($cid && ($record = $CONTACTS->get_record($cid, true))) { $OUTPUT->set_env('cid', $record['ID']); } // editing not allowed here if ($CONTACTS->readonly || $record['readonly']) { $OUTPUT->show_message('sourceisreadonly'); $RCMAIL->overwrite_action('show'); return; } } else { $source = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_source', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC); if (strlen($source)) { $CONTACTS = $RCMAIL->get_address_book($source, true); } if (!$CONTACTS || $CONTACTS->readonly) { $CONTACTS = $RCMAIL->get_address_book(-1, true); $source = $RCMAIL->get_address_book_id($CONTACTS); } // Initialize addressbook $CONTACTS = rcmail_contact_source($source, true); } $SOURCE_ID = $source; rcmail_set_sourcename($CONTACTS); $OUTPUT->add_handlers(array( 'contactedithead' => 'rcmail_contact_edithead', 'contacteditform' => 'rcmail_contact_editform', 'contactphoto' => 'rcmail_contact_photo', 'photouploadform' => 'rcmail_upload_photo_form', 'sourceselector' => 'rcmail_source_selector', 'filedroparea' => 'rcmail_photo_drop_area', )); $OUTPUT->set_pagetitle($RCMAIL->gettext(($RCMAIL->action == 'add' ? 'addcontact' : 'editcontact'))); if ($RCMAIL->action == 'add' && $OUTPUT->template_exists('contactadd')) { $OUTPUT->send('contactadd'); } // this will be executed if no template for addcontact exists $OUTPUT->send('contactedit'); function rcmail_get_edit_record() { global $RCMAIL, $CONTACTS; // check if we have a valid result if ($GLOBALS['EDIT_RECORD']) { $record = $GLOBALS['EDIT_RECORD']; } else if ($RCMAIL->action != 'add' && !(($result = $CONTACTS->get_result()) && ($record = $result->first())) ) { $RCMAIL->output->show_message('contactnotfound', 'error'); return false; } return $record; } function rcmail_contact_edithead($attrib) { global $RCMAIL; // check if we have a valid result $record = rcmail_get_edit_record(); $i_size = !empty($attrib['size']) ? $attrib['size'] : 20; $form = array( 'head' => array( 'name' => $RCMAIL->gettext('contactnameandorg'), 'content' => array( 'prefix' => array('size' => $i_size), 'firstname' => array('size' => $i_size, 'visible' => true), 'middlename' => array('size' => $i_size), 'surname' => array('size' => $i_size, 'visible' => true), 'suffix' => array('size' => $i_size), 'name' => array('size' => 2*$i_size), 'nickname' => array('size' => 2*$i_size), 'organization' => array('size' => 2*$i_size), 'department' => array('size' => 2*$i_size), 'jobtitle' => array('size' => 2*$i_size), ) ) ); list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib); unset($attrib['form'], $attrib['name'], $attrib['size']); // return the address edit form $out = rcmail_contact_form($form, $record, $attrib); return $form_start . $out . $form_end; } function rcmail_contact_editform($attrib) { global $RCMAIL, $CONTACT_COLTYPES; $record = rcmail_get_edit_record(); // copy (parsed) address template to client if (preg_match_all('/\{([a-z0-9]+)\}([^{]*)/i', $RCMAIL->config->get('address_template', ''), $templ, PREG_SET_ORDER)) $RCMAIL->output->set_env('address_template', $templ); $i_size = !empty($attrib['size']) ? $attrib['size'] : 40; $t_rows = !empty($attrib['textarearows']) ? $attrib['textarearows'] : 10; $t_cols = !empty($attrib['textareacols']) ? $attrib['textareacols'] : 40; $form = array( 'contact' => array( 'name' => $RCMAIL->gettext('properties'), 'content' => array( 'email' => array('size' => $i_size, 'visible' => true), 'phone' => array('size' => $i_size, 'visible' => true), 'address' => array('visible' => true), 'website' => array('size' => $i_size), 'im' => array('size' => $i_size), ), ), 'personal' => array( 'name' => $RCMAIL->gettext('personalinfo'), 'content' => array( 'gender' => array('visible' => true), 'maidenname' => array('size' => $i_size), 'birthday' => array('visible' => true), 'anniversary' => array(), 'manager' => array('size' => $i_size), 'assistant' => array('size' => $i_size), 'spouse' => array('size' => $i_size), ), ), ); if (isset($CONTACT_COLTYPES['notes'])) { $form['notes'] = array( 'name' => $RCMAIL->gettext('notes'), 'content' => array( 'notes' => array('size' => $t_cols, 'rows' => $t_rows, 'label' => false, 'visible' => true, 'limit' => 1), ), 'single' => true, ); } list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib); unset($attrib['form']); // return the complete address edit form as table $out = rcmail_contact_form($form, $record, $attrib); return $form_start . $out . $form_end; } function rcmail_upload_photo_form($attrib) { global $RCMAIL, $OUTPUT; // set defaults $attrib += array('id' => 'rcmUploadform', 'buttons' => 'yes'); // find max filesize value $max_filesize = parse_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $max_postsize = parse_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); if ($max_postsize && $max_postsize < $max_filesize) { $max_filesize = $max_postsize; } $max_filesize = $RCMAIL->show_bytes($max_filesize); $hidden = new html_hiddenfield(array('name' => '_cid', 'value' => $GLOBALS['cid'])); $input = new html_inputfield(array('type' => 'file', 'name' => '_photo', 'size' => $attrib['size'])); $button = new html_inputfield(array('type' => 'button')); $content = $hidden->show() . html::div(null, $input->show()) . html::div('hint', $RCMAIL->gettext(array('name' => 'maxuploadsize', 'vars' => array('size' => $max_filesize)))); if (rcube_utils::get_boolean($attrib['buttons'])) { $content .= html::div('buttons', $button->show($RCMAIL->gettext('close'), array( 'class' => 'button', 'onclick' => "$('#$attrib[id]').hide()" )) . ' ' . $button->show($RCMAIL->gettext('upload'), array( 'class' => 'button mainaction', 'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . ".command('upload-photo', this.form)" )) ); } $out = html::div($attrib, $OUTPUT->form_tag(array( 'id' => $attrib['id'] . 'Frm', 'name' => 'uploadform', 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data' ), $content ) ); $OUTPUT->add_label('addphoto','replacephoto'); $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('uploadform', $attrib['id'].'Frm'); return $out; } // similar function as in /steps/settings/edit_identity.inc function get_form_tags($attrib) { global $CONTACTS, $EDIT_FORM, $RCMAIL, $SOURCE_ID; $form_start = $form_end = ''; if (empty($EDIT_FORM)) { $hiddenfields = new html_hiddenfield(); if ($RCMAIL->action == 'edit') $hiddenfields->add(array('name' => '_source', 'value' => $SOURCE_ID)); $hiddenfields->add(array('name' => '_gid', 'value' => $CONTACTS->group_id)); $hiddenfields->add(array('name' => '_search', 'value' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_search', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC))); if (($result = $CONTACTS->get_result()) && ($record = $result->first())) $hiddenfields->add(array('name' => '_cid', 'value' => $record['ID'])); $form_start = $RCMAIL->output->request_form(array( 'name' => "form", 'method' => "post", 'task' => $RCMAIL->task, 'action' => 'save', 'request' => 'save.'.intval($record['ID']), 'noclose' => true) + $attrib, $hiddenfields->show()); $form_end = !strlen($attrib['form']) ? '</form>' : ''; $EDIT_FORM = !empty($attrib['form']) ? $attrib['form'] : 'form'; $RCMAIL->output->add_gui_object('editform', $EDIT_FORM); } return array($form_start, $form_end); } function rcmail_source_selector($attrib) { global $RCMAIL, $SOURCE_ID; $sources_list = $RCMAIL->get_address_sources(true, true); if (count($sources_list) < 2) { $source = $sources_list[$SOURCE_ID]; $hiddenfield = new html_hiddenfield(array('name' => '_source', 'value' => $SOURCE_ID)); return html::span($attrib, $source['name'] . $hiddenfield->show()); } $attrib['name'] = '_source'; $attrib['is_escaped'] = true; $attrib['onchange'] = rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . ".command('save', 'reload', this.form)"; $select = new html_select($attrib); foreach ($sources_list as $source) $select->add($source['name'], $source['id']); return $select->show($SOURCE_ID); } /** * Register container as active area to drop photos onto */ function rcmail_photo_drop_area($attrib) { global $OUTPUT; if ($attrib['id']) { $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('filedrop', $attrib['id']); $OUTPUT->set_env('filedrop', array('action' => 'upload-photo', 'fieldname' => '_photo', 'single' => 1, 'filter' => '^image/.+')); } }